In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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VoegelinView The Spell of Fairy-Tales
Political Refugee We live in an age of narcissists: Biden is as narcissistic as Obama or Trump and much less competent than either
Taki's Magazine Medaling With Paris
Patriactionary Olympics Opening Ceremony Features Drag Queens Mocking Biblical ‘Last Supper’ Scene
Other McCain In The Mailbox: 07.26.24 (Evening Edition)
Patriactionary Based if he meant it
Political Refugee David Goldman writing as 'Spengler' in Asia Times yesterday
Political Refugee I have a feeling Kamala Harris will defeat Donald Trump
Patriactionary Valid whitepill take, or copium?
Patriactionary Drain the swamp? Or nuke it?
Patriactionary So it was; is it still thus?
Vlad Tepes Reader’s Links for July 27th 2024
Unz: Steve Sailer Experts Say: Follow the Science!, by Steve Sailer
Amerika DiversityWatch (July 26, 2024)
Vlad Tepes Century Initiative, Mark Carney, the operations of justice, and Kamala demonstrates her dialectical engineering skills: Links 1 for July 26, 2024
Other McCain In The Mailbox: 07.26.24 (Afternoon Edition)
Smallest Minority ♪♫Back in the Saddle Again♫♪
Patriactionary Satanic fanatics
Andrei Martyanov Absolutely Correct...
Raconteur Report Harder Than A Hoover
Tree of Woe The Great Replacement (of Joe Biden)
Accepting Ignorance [[Right]] Wing Political Savvy
Rintrah Limited Edition Memorabilia
Arkhaven Site Jude Law as Kyle Katarn?
Gilbert Doctorow Only ‘brute force’ can compel draft-age Ukrainians in Europe to go home and fight: ‘Sputnik Globe’ interview
Tell Me How This Ends Still Fighting: A Discussion With California Assemblyman Bill Essayli
Andrei Martyanov "Olympic" SitRep...
Patriactionary Cons are cons, simple as
New Neo Does getting older make you care less?
Patriactionary Hey, to them, she’s relatable
New Neo And the Olympics begin in Paris
New Neo Watching the making of the Kamala cult in real time
New Neo Secret Service: We don’t need no steenking drones
Andrei Martyanov This Is A Preview...
James Bovard Biding Biden Farewell on the Brian Wilson Podcast
According To Hoyt Cat Ladies
Counter-Currents Editor’s Update
Counter-Currents The Fall of Minneapolis
TRS TDS1217: I Just Gave You The Condemnation
Andrei Martyanov Nima And Me...
Patriactionary No skin in the game
Patriactionary Opposing shitting on the beach now rayciss
Raw Egg Nationalist Essay: Some Totally Unconnected Facts
Counter-Currents True Christian Nationalism
Alexandria Chardonnay Americans
2nd Smartest Guy SUBSCRIBER SUCCESS STORIES: Quitting Chemo for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Terminal Stage 4 Metastatic Adenocarcinoma Remission & Late Stage 3 Multiple Myel...
TRS Tech Prep 7-26-24
Political Refugee Why is America making economic war on any of these countries?
Eugyppius Anonymous RKI employee describes the "intense" and secret efforts of political Health Ministry staff to influence expert pandemic assessments during C...
Isegoria Berlin is perhaps the best-located city on the planet from a purely economic point of view
Robert Malone Friday Funnies: The Logical Fallacy
James Bovard Biden And The Mirage Of American Democracy
Kunstler Saving Our Democracy
New Neo Open thread 7/26/24
Due Diligence and Art New FDA guidance for pharma on "countering misinformation" online
Of Boys and Men The cratering economic prospects of white men raised poor
Energy Absurdities Unburdened by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Will See What Can Be in the Realm of Energy
Amerika We Are Not Going Back
Animal Magnetism Rule Five BuhBye Biden Friday
Founding Questions Friday Mail Sack
Energy Absurdities Friday's Energy Absurdity: More Just Stop Oil Vandals Facing Jail
Z Man Forgotten Fakery
Counter-Currents Notes on Plato’s Gorgias, Part 13
Eric Peters Don’t Misunderestimate Her
Charles Hugh Smith The Downside of Complacency: Illiquidity Evaporates Stocks and Real Estate
Anon Conservative News Briefs – 07/26/2024
Accepting Ignorance Female Lust is Defective
Eric Peters 2024 Mini Clubman
Raconteur Report Maybe Just A Fist Bump?
Orphans of Liberty We All Know Who's Really Not Thinking Straight...
Orphans of Liberty Housekeeping note
VoegelinView “Do it Again”: Monet, Chesterton, and the Holiness of Repetition
Raconteur Report An Army Of None
Gilbert Doctorow The Assad visit to Moscow two days ago about which you have heard nothing:  Iran’s Press TV
Astral Codex Ten Your Book Review: Real Raw News
Whiskey Tango Texas Melonie Mac – If You’re a Man And You Vote For a Woman to be President…
Unz: Andrew Anglin Conservatives Whine After FBI Director Says Shrapnel Could Have Caused Trump Ear Scratch, by Andrew Anglin
Unz: Andrew Anglin It’s Better to Insert One’s Penis Into a Sofa Than an Indian Pagan Vagina, by Andrew Anglin
Vlad Tepes Reader’s Links for July 26th, 2024
Unz: Philip Giraldi War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the US Congress, by Philip Giraldi
Unz: Andrew Anglin Boeing Has No Plans for Stranded Astronauts to Ever Return to Earth, by Andrew Anglin
Taki's Magazine Get With the Program
Andrei Martyanov Well, The Intent Is Commendable...
Amerika DiversityWatch (July 25, 2024)

Updated 15 Minutes ago at 07:22:20 UTC 27 July 2024 AD

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